Monday, January 17, 2011

PHI<>R-in-g UP the Engine = IN-f 'in-it-Energy ))

... can go (on average) 28 days without food before systematic failure; but, WE can only go 2 days without water.  Add to this thinking, the human body is 70-80% water and the brain is 92-96% water ... so, water is (must BE = observably verifiable) 14 times "more important" than the food WE eat on a daily basis, and 1110% "more important" than food, for 'overall' health.

Making water ('observably') liquid energy.

... and one of the "most important" elements in con-ducting energy ?
... copper.

It is said, "energy can not be Created, nor, Destroyed."
... and WE k-now that there is such thing as energy ?? LOL ))
This means, ALL the energy that ever 'was' and ALL the energy that ever 'will be' 


It is also said, "every Action creates/generates an equal and opposite re-Action."
... couldn't WE then create/generate an "Action", that creates/generates a re-Action ... that creates/generates the "Action", again and again ??

What would support an energetic system, such as this ?

OUR technology base is largely 'explosive' (= takes more and more energy to go faster and faster = [E=MC squared] ... simply stated, as WE get farther from the center, WE're making bigger laps)

BUT ... WE are experiencing duality.

So, an alternative technology base would be one of 'implosive' power (= takes less and less energy to go faster and faster = [E=M divided by the square root of C] ... simply stated, as WE get closer to the center, WE're making shorter laps)

So, how do WE energize water ?
... WE use implosion ! -)
= Natures gentle (us-all-y) IN-f 'in-it-Energy ))

... and what kind of benefits can WE expect ?
... and how are these effects being delivered ?

i hope that 'YOU' can see my thinking ? -))
... because, i'm not joking about FLYing.

... launching very soon, come learn how to FLY ))

i hope this helps ? -)

Peace Love Light TRUTH
(- ;
; -)

ps ... all the storms WE're experiencing around the globe 

... could they not be Ma Nature 'energizing' the plan-ET for the B-I-G shift ?

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