Sunday, December 16, 2012

20 12 ... the Ph-OT-oN B(el)T

Hi ... ok, this post is a bit awkward (sorry), so i've created a simple 'key code' in hopes of 'capturing' the essence of what i'm trying to share with you ... here goes ))

... a few more amendments,
-Each number is the 'sum' of 2/two numbers above ...
(ie. 8+8 = 16 = 1+6 = 7 ((or)) 6+6 = 12 = 1+2 = 3)

-The only 'exception' is the BEgINing (the top), Where 1/one, 'SplitS' INto 1/one & 1/one.

-... this will make more sense BElow:
3/three = the letter C (shaped like an 'eye-B-all')
= to SEE the 1/one +LIGHT + LOVE
6/six = the letter F
= to FEEL the 1/one + LIGHT + LOVE
9/nine = the letter I (3 + 6)
= to BE 1/one + LIGHT + LOVE

... BE sure to read THIS (note: the S-eVe-N GATES)
... what is in the middle of this picture ??

(orginal post)

Hi EvEryOnE ))

... thanks to ALL of yOu, for fINdINg yOUR wAy hERe ! -))

SorrY about the mess i've created withIN this bLOG ? -((
... hope it hasn't caUSed aNy unDue conFUSion ?? -))

IN the off chance that this is the last post i'm able to compose ...
please let me share the meaning (my perspective) of 12-21-2012.

TO beGin, tHERE are only 9 numbers, supported by ZerO.
S-how-N here: lETs cALL it 'OUR voRTex' ? -))

ThE fiGUre eiGht (infinity symbol) withIN (1-2-4-8-7-5-) is simply a 'doubling' chART = 1-2-4-8-16(1+6=7)-32(3+2=5)-64(6+4=1+0=1)  
please note: 64 = 8 X 8
... eVeRy jOURney beGin's with OnE step,
now WE've made OUR's, l-ET-s continue.

So, what are the 3-6-9 ... i wondered ?? -))

= step TwO ... figure out 1/oNe meAnt [means] ? -)

WithouT GetTinG too 'heAvy' ... energy (inner-G) can NOT be CreAteD, nor, de-[s]TROY-ed + LiGhT can create dARKness; but, DarkNESS can NOT create LiGhT.
((if you'd like to kNOW what TROY is about please read the following 'synchro-mystic' links: ONE TWO THREE ... this reading is not necessary; but, highly in-FORM-at-i've for the inquisitive mind)).
... so, energy simply IS, then all energy is connected and ONE in the same = infinite = WE 'exist' (& ALL ExistencE) due to, an INFINTE sOURce = LIGHT.  IF this were/IS true ... tHERE "MusT BE" a 'simple' explanation; beCAUSE, infinite 'inCLUEds' (mis-spelled-)) everything ... including, a simple (UniVERSE-ALL) explanation + nothing can BE hiDDen, in the LIGHT ! -))
... so, 1/one = infinite LIGHT !! -))

ThiS is wHERE the diaMONd sHOWed UP = simply a different WaY of re(PRE-SENT)ing the the nINe numbers A'round the ZerO.  ShowN here:

FiRsT, note: the white numbers down the riGht side of the diaMONd (1-2-4-8-7-5 & 1-2-4 = 9/NinE steps).
SEcoND, note: the 'sum' of the miDDle laYer = 31, which is the 11th PR-i'me number, wHERE 11 is balanced polarity (the red '&' blue P-ill (or neither-)), for MaTRiX fans))
... + 31 is the 'only' prime i could find concerning this moDel, and i've heArd so mUCh about the "PrimE CreatoR" and the definition for 'prime' = of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration: a prime requisite ... turns out, it IS ... !! -)) 

ThiS bRINGs US to step THrEE ... we've made OnE and a HalF laps aROUND our vortex = 9/NinE steps ... so, i figured three more steps would complete a seCOnd 'lap' and balance OUR wINgs, creating a diaMONd with 12 spaces across the C-enter ... sHOWn here:
note: the 9 diaMONd supported by a 'V'.
'V' = 22 letter = 2+2 = EartH 4 (earth,air,fire,water & north,south,east,west) ... and the eaRth supports huMan 5.

... this IS OnE step 'shOrt' = BE-caUSE, the C-enTer is only 32.
32 (3+2 = 5 = HuMaN (five fingers,toes,default senses))
32 = 16+16 = 61(18th P-R-i'me) 'in' 16(letter "P") = 61+16 =77
77 = balanced C-enTer

ThiS IS wHAt 12-21-2012 IS abOut = a GatEwaY ... step F-OUR.

WhicH bRINGs US to the necessary 13th step aROUND OUR vortex ... a diaMONd with 13 spaces across the CenteR ... that will 'total' 64, when added together !! -))  ThiS gives US tWo sets of wings & a balance of polarity.

Person-all-Y ... i have gone 'wAy' BEyONd this, experienced TrutH to a LeVeL that wORd-s can not accurately describe (... complete dissolution of physicality, as an attempt) ... in that, please take this advice = MeditatE = focusing on sensations withIN ONLY, and withOUT judgment = no pleasure, no pain, no ignorance ... jUSt, reality AS IT IS ... it can ONLY BE FELT + NOW !!!!!!! 

... if, you DO this (note: this MUST BE experienced = no mental understanding will/CAN duplicate the ExpEriEncE !!!) ... you will BEcoME C-enTer-D = 7/S-eVe-N ... by travelling th-ROUGH the 6/sIx, from the 5/FivE.

PleasE, write out yOUR oWn 13 diaMONd, the process is simple and the 'doing' will greatly enhance yOUR clarity !! -))

BE HappY !! -))
... its a ChoicE.
Only available NoW & ALL-WaYs available NOW !! -))

only LOVE

ps ... VoRTeX = VX(22+24) 'in' oe(15+5) 'in' RT(18+20)
= VX(46) 'in' oe(20) 'in' RT(38)
= VX(1) 'in' oe(20) 'in' RT(11)
= 1+20+11 = 32 (this is a 'selective' way to dissect this; but, it is relative here = 12-21-2012 ... is down the raBBit wHOLE = foLLow the white raBBit !! -))

ppss ... T-rUt-H ... if you are in a rUt ?? ... then you are missing the TRUTH = everything is made of the 'same' thing = LOVE.

pppsss ... TRUTH = U 'in' RT 'in' TH = 21 'in' 1820 'in' 208
= 21 'in' 2028 = 2049 = 04(eARTh) 'in' 29(10th PRiME)
= 4+29 = 33
... what is in the C-enTer of OUR 2012 diaMOND ??
= the TRUTH !! -))
... and that is what 12-21-2012 "IS ABOUT" !! -))

... nearly foRGot this important piece of the puzzle ?? -))
ThE photon belt !! ... an amazing video = well worth the time.